
Hello there!

my name's jove! or you can call me jupiter too, i dont really mind, and thank you for checking out my website! there isnt really a goal in mind making this since it went through so many changes, but ill try to update it whenever i get the chance!

in the meanwhile, thank you for visiting my site and i hope you enjoy the rest of your stay!
the credit for all of the things ive used will go in the links tab! itll be updating everytime i find something to use or just something to use for later, so dont forget to check that out too when you get the chance to!
weeeeee i cant upload a specific blinkie i wanna use so im leaving this for later yippie ;^;
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shoutout to all these wonderful people who worked/ found all of these! backgrounds: https://websetsbylynn.neocities.org/, https://theinspirationgallery.com/ cursor: https://www.cursors-4u.com/anime/ layout: https://doqmeat.com/notebook/ graphics: https://jojjo.neocities.org/graphics, https://prismatic-realm.net/graphics/, https://madpaddington.neocities.org/freebies.html, https://codepen.io/sadness97/pen/mdOXzNW favicon: https://pixelsafari.neocities.org/favicon/ music player: https://adilene.net/ fonts: https://scripted.neocities.org/2nd
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